Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The Kid picked up a Kalik for a cool down. This Captain opted for rum. We went over to the Big Game Club on Bimini to check out the fishing boats. What we found were boats used by people to do game fishing. This is different than fishing boats. The boats from the States, used for fishing off Bimini, were loaded with the following baggage: ego for breakfast; sham on wry for lunch; and slices of boast with a full head of let us for dinner.
These boaters had not come to escape. They brought the places most try to escape from with them and set it on display. There is little you can do when someone else barges through escapism with egoism. The best tactic is to visit other places to get back to escaping. We headed to Bailey Town to visit with some of the locals. This proved to be just the right tack. The people of the Bahamas, including many, but not all on Bimini, do not fully realize the true beauty they possess. The two we sat with were true natives and on their faces, and in their speech, we escaped to a far better place than the boats from the States.
"Do you ever leave the island?" The Kid asked the man.
"Yes and no," he replied.
The woman companion smiled a beautiful broad smile that made her eyes sparkle. "That be true." she confirmed his comment.
The explanation came slowly from the man as we sipped a rum drink. He said that when he is on the island he can travel far away by just watching the water from the high point along Kings Highway. "This is the Mother of many waters." he said. "They take me a far as they flow and her fish take me as far as they swim."
He also explained that the times when he has had to leave, like the trip he had to make to Miami, that he was physically in Miami, but he kept his thoughts on Bimini. So, he concluded by repeating the answer to the question, 'do you ever leave the island?', "Yes and no."
For a moment we went with him. We are not sure where we went. His eyes gazed with a contemplative focus to the east. He may have been out fishing, on Nassau, on in the Berrys. This Captain went along and ended up on Chub. The Kid got as far as the Azores. When we all got back we thanked him for his island and left some rum with him. We rowed out to our sloop and smiled as we remembered where we were and where we had been, and that we had not got caught up with the boats from the States people. Afterall, we came to escape and visit other places. Those boaters had not done either.

The Captain and The Kid

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