Its a hard thing to leave The Keys. The Kid wanted to eat at Keys Fisheries in Marathon, but that's just this Captain's excuse to hang out in The Keys a little longer.
You come in through the west channel entrance to Boot Key Harbor. The bridge opens on demand 7 to 7, 7 days. The harbor opens wider after the bridge as you get into the city mooring field. Around Marker 1A is the city Marina canal with a dinghy dock. This Captain thinks this is more of a dinghy breeding grounds, than just the place to tie up. We tied our inflatable and headed out across the highway and down 35th St Gulf to Keys Fisheries. Its at the end of the street. I'm pretty sure it has an address, but I'm pretty sure I don't know what it is and I'm certain I don't care. Addresses, in the conventional sense, are touristy markers and The Captain and The Kid don't do tourist.
At Keys Fisheries you order at the window and sit out by the water. Don't give your name for the pick-up at the window call. They will want your favorite song, or singer, or something else to call you by when the food's ready. Just an opinion, but it's pretty tough to find better seafood than here. We talked to Gary about this. He didn't act surprised because he hears it so much, but when The Kid told him that the pinks were gold, he hesitated.
Key West Pinks are the Key West shrimp. Peel and eat. No one does shrimp like this. No one. So, The Kid says, "These are Gold. It's a treasure find."
Gary liked that and now you can get them as Pink Gold. You can get full meals, sandwiches, chowders, etc.
If you really want to escape you have to eat here around sunset. The food, the sun, and the water will take you to faraway places, and when during the times you are visiting other places geographically, you will be able to visit here during an escape.
I watched the Sun begin sink, flatten out and sizzle into the Gulf. As it did I went with it to days and one memorable night at sea. Next time about that night. Right now, back to the Marina and the dinghy breeding grounds. We had tied up next to something that looked like a wooden Catspaw. Just the two of us, easy access in and out. After walking back from Keys Fisheries the breeding had spawned a litter of assorted dinghies. Escape at this point is literal. How do you untie, retie, tie-off, and not cast-off someones tender?
Step one: relax. Step two: who is tied to who? Step three: escape during the untangle. Step three makes for the enjoyment and takes you away from the frustration. Think about it. These dinghies are from all over other places. Each one has its story and adventure. Let yourself getaway as you are freeing up your inflatable and enjoy where you are and where this can take you.
As I was carefully re-tying painters The Kid said that it looked like we were in for some weather.
For good or bad depending on who you are and where you want to get to, we may be hanging out in Boot Key Harbor for a few days more than we thought.
The Captain and The Kid
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